Zone d'identification
- 1910 - 2019 (Production)
Niveau de description
Étendue matérielle et support
Approximately 800 items
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Nom du producteur
Notice biographique
Nom du producteur
Notice biographique
Nom du producteur
Notice biographique
Histoire archivistique
Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert
Zone du contenu et de la structure
Portée et contenu
About 950 items in three series. The collection originates from British Airports Authority (BAA) which was established in 1966 and disbanded in 2006. BAA controlled several airports across the South East and Scotland, including Heathrow. Prior to BAA London Airport was managed by the Ministry of Civil Aviation. The archive consists of documents and artifacts relating to the history of Heathrow Airport and aviation from approximately the 1930's to 2018. The Airport originated as London Airport in 1946. The first permanent terminals were completed in 1955 followed by numerous additional terminals and buildings in later years. The collection contains memorabilia and documents relating to London Airport, individual airlines and aviation in general. It consists of a range of different types of documents including photos, leaflets, brochures and publications. Photos, leaflets and brochures relating to Gatwick Airport are also included within the collection.