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University of West London Archive/ Heathrow Community Engagement Board South Asian Heritage Oral History project
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Oral History interview 5: recording

Pooja Makol, Monday 14th March 2022, 3-4pm

I found out about the project because I am part of the diversity group which considers issues around diversity, disabilities, and inclusion.

I wanted to apply because of the current situation in the world and I agree with the idea of inclusion, that every community, every individual is important. I did not apply simply because I am part of the target group.


I am from India and have been in the UK for 11 years, which is not a long time compared to some people! It is different community, different culture, everything is so different to India. A different world to me. I had challenges though I feel blessed to be here in the UK.

My husband has been in the UK for a long time, he came to study and then settled. I got the opportunity to move to join him in the UK after we married. I had a choice to move back or stay, I gave myself some time to see if I could blend in with the culture and feel comfortable. Things went well with friends and work, everything worked out, so I decided to stay in this Country, and I feel happy now.


My family is in India, I have a little family here, two children, a 7-year-old girl and 3-year-old boy.

My immediate family is in India, we visit them whenever we can, we have some distant family here, we often go to see them when we can, technology has made it easier to see and talk to them.

I have friends here, work colleagues have become good friends, we see each other once a month so we can get away from our families to have our own time. Also, we celebrate Indian festivals with family friends. An old English couple are our neighbors, they are wonderful people and we look after each other. They are an old couple, so they like to see children around and we do not have parents here, so we like to see them too.


I have worked for Heathrow for nearly 6 years. To be honest I joined Heathrow by chance, I always wanted to join Heathrow but I thought because of my employment and visa situation there would be criteria of a British passport or indefinite leave to remain however my friend advised me and encouraged me to go for the job.

When I started working as a security officer, the Company were so nice, there were lots of opportunities to progress.

After I was blessed with my second child, a son, I moved to the ID Business Centre, and now I’m working as an Intern and getting trained as infrastructure project manager, different path for my career, I have no technical or engineering background, but Heathrow introduced a new programme of colleague internships. I feel blessed to have been selected.

My current role is quite different to security and it is ongoing training process.. In my current role there is a lot to learn, it is a completely different world to me. Initially I thought if I will ever get to understand this , however my line manager and colleagues are supportive and good at explaining. I have my own projects now, I cannot disclose much information about the projects, enabling me to do something live rather than assisting with projects.


Travelling experience from Heathrow – good experience, helpful people, information for departures and check-in displayed, so smooth, no negative, no bad history. What is it they say ‘making every journey better’ - they prove it!

When I first came to the UK it was my first trip abroad. I understand English but I struggle with accents. I flew Virgin Atlantic and the staff were helpful. Border forces were helpful with visa and medical examination because I was coming to Uk for the very first time. It was exciting because I was joining my husband after 6 months of getting married. I found it a smooth trip.

My husband and my cousin from India with partner met me at the Airport to welcome me with happy faces, my husband had a candlelight dinner for me that evening. It was summer and the days were long, the airport was clean, facilities clean, people were helpful, staff in purple vests were supportive and gave me directions to immigration and baggage collection, welcoming people who have travelled 8 hours.


It was a lengthy process to get the job as Security officer, there were certain requirements such as DBS and background history. A friend used to work for Omniserve who used to supply ambassadors to the Airport to manage passengers. A close friend from Kenya advised me to apply for the security officer role, I thought I was not eligible. The process consisted of a telephone interview, online test, assessment day at airport, further exams, role play activity, face to face interview, online tests, lengthy but transparent. I was blessed that I got through the process easily. There were 50 people but only 5 moved on to the next stage and I felt proud of myself. I did not wait long to hear about the outcome of the interview which worked in my favour. I then went through background checks and DBS; I had my interview in March (exactly 6 years ago) and started job in May so a couple of months later. Between 2016 – 2020 I was a security officer. I was off 1 year for my pregnancy during this period. I had flexibility with shifts, I could manage childcare as my daughter had on going health condition when young with hospital admissions, but my colleagues and manager were supportive, and I could take time off easily. I had support from management about progressing career, I did a few interviews before getting this role, ID management officer management had belief in me, I did projects on my own and I enjoyed it for 1.5 years.


I was super happy to get a role at Heathrow, it is not easy to get a job at Heathrow or any job, I feel blessed as was the start of my career journey. Slowly and gradually grew in my career path, never a workplace where I would feel racism, very inclusive, lots of memories coming here to work, good exposure.

I have come across nice and understanding people, I helped passengers their smooth journey through security lanes. I tried to be supportive to parents with children as it is not easy to travel with little children. UK requirements of liquids outside the bag can be overwhelming especially when going through security as this liquid rule is not applicable in all the countries. I always try to be helpful, especially with parents as they need extra support or older people who do not understand or cannot hear properly.

People get really upset when they are limited to what they can take on the aircraft, a gentleman had been nice but when I told him about legal requirement about liquids he started to empty to bottles there and then which was against health and safety, when people travel different airports and countries and all countries have their own requirements about what they can and cannot take with them,


I have not travelled for the last two years because of Covid but usually when I travel to India I use Heathrow, and I use Gatwick for European destinations (cheaper). Heathrow is friendly, people have been helpful when I travel, additional requirements and questions answered, airline staff very good and helpful, good airport to travel through with kids play area in departure, good restaurants to have food, quite expensive so rarely it is ok.

I am from Bhilai lived most of my life there, moved to Delhi, worked a few years then got opportunity to move to uk

My town is not very popular, in Chhattisgarh region, central part of India.

Prior to covid in last 3 years, I have not travelled outside of the Uk at all, went on holiday to European countries or to India to see family. Covid situation and with small children, and working in an operational role, if I go and travel and get stuck there are limited numbers of leave to be approved, causing an awkward situation and I would need extra support, so I have avoided travelling. We have travelled locally and explored lots in the Uk. It became an opportunity to explore our own country now rather than travelling outside. Not being able to see family this pinches me but atleast I have social media so I can have face to face conversations.

I try to go to India once very 2 years, trips to India are expensive, I used to go on an Indian holiday one year, and next year European holiday. My mum visits too, she can spend good quality time with my kids as she can stay 2-3 months, when I go to India, I can only spend 2-3 weeks.

I live close to the airport, 15 minutes away from terminal 2/3, in Ashford Surrey. I do not feel I live close to the airport, I have not seen aircraft close and it does not disturb me. With new carbonisation every company is reducing fuel emissions. Living close has affected me in a good way as I can travel to work easily. Guests from India always come to my house because it is close to the Airport.

I travel via Heathrow whenever it is possible and my kids like watching aircraft. There is a place nearby where you can view the aircraft, so I take my children there. That is the only reason I go there – either work or for my kids.


When I had first child I used to work in a city. I was heavily pregnant, lots of tube strikes etc no flexibility for pregnancy extra time or space.

When I informed Heathrow of my pregnancy they were so nice and welcoming, everything they could do they did. I have not worked in many companies in UK Heathrow looks after working mothers, time off flexibility, reduced hours, cannot stand for long hours so have resources for this, they do everything they possibility can. My pregnancy at Heathrow - I had anxiety problems and panic attacks, Heathrow looked after me with sickness and leave. After I had my little one, they proposed the idea of job share, 2 shifts on and 4 off instead of 4 shifts on and 2 off – not every company will offer this flexibility. I could choose my shifts. Heathrow look after employees with medical conditions or pregnancy, thing staff are important to them. On my maternity leave I was off for 11 month and then job shared for 7-8 months and then changed the role. I had childcare arrangements then.

My new role is non-perational - I have flexibility to manage my own hours, my manager appreciates family time, they advised I can do school runs etc., it is more about getting work done rather than time. Weekly review meetings where we review each other.


Time has flown away; I was so happy when I got a new job at Heathrow such as my new role - overall journey has been productive.

Impact of covid – now we have booster and vaccinations, covid considered normal cold and flu now, hope it does not affect people so severely. I cannot go anywhere this year as my husband's parents are staying in the country to visit and I want to spend time with them, though I am flexible from October to travel. Workwise Heathrow look after their employees by supplying hand sanitisers, face masks, proper deep cleaning of workplace, job security of workplace – Heathrow did not make anyone leave there was voluntary redundancy, the company did not ask anyone to leave.

I am thinking of calling my mother to come over this summer or later this year. She has had a booster, we are moving closer to reuniting everyone again. All the time we could not see anyone, all we had was laptop, teams etc. Life is getting back to normal. I took 5 ½ months old daughter to India via Heathrow on my own. I know some people there; staff support single parents travelling through the airport. Understanding I had a little baby, helping me through the scanner. My requirements are not like everyone's requirements. The staff treated me very well. My daughter was a particularly good baby and would go to everyone.


My daughter enjoys travelling though we have not travelled recently. We are going to Birmingham this weekend. She is engrossed in our culture, my sister-in-law is getting married this weekend so she has gotten her ethnic clothing out, matching earrings, make up – it is like a holiday for her. She likes flying, she last flew in 2019 when we went to India for my brother's wedding in 2019. She loves that she can watch as many movies as she wants during the 8 hours flight. My daughter is a nonstop chatterbox, she loves talking and trying different food, she kept pressing the button to ask the airhostess to bring snacks. Boys are challenging work, I found raising a daughter easier than raising my son. He has mood swings, terrible 3’s - it takes longer to convince boys.

Last 6 years have been good I did not feel the years, I have had good managers which has encouraged me to grow and stay motivated.

The interview ended at 52.48

Oral history interview 7 recording

Interview summary for Swaranjit Johal

Weds 30th March 2022 11.30am

Swaranjit is Pat Smith’s daughter (interview 4)

India, Punjab, Chandrigahr

My daughter liked the project and my daughter said I liked talking about my experiences so I should take part. My daughter asked if there was anything I remember about coming to Heathrow. I arrived here in 1964. I come from India, Punjab, Chatigar. My husband was a teacher. He then moved to England.

I grew up in Fiji with my mum, dad and grandfather after I was 2 years, I was born in India, I grew up and after Pakistan/India divide, I went back 1947, I teach ladies stitching, my husband was the principal of a school. I liked my life I did not want to come to England. My family, brothers and sisters were in England. My father said I should go to England with my children.

My husband, brother, and sister were here. After we arrived my daughter cried, and my son was sick - he liked India. I wanted my mum and dad. We had a nice house in India, but Indian wages were low, UK wages were high and there were clean, nice facilities. Everyone said I should come here.

I grew up in Fiji different to India, all countries different, love it here money and nice house in India with servant, but wages low. Siblings, all happy in Uk because wages higher. She knew what England would be like. Leaving home is quite difficult. It was March and April with snow, so very cold, no home delivery, no garlic, no Indian shop, nothing in Southall only English shop, no supermarkets, no green chilies. Only shepherds bush and Birmingham. Only that all the family were together, now I am happy, I have a nice house, everything is clean, now I like England.

It was hard when I first arrived. No car, no big house, no servants, everyone shares the house, children needed looking after, job paid £3 wages. My first job at Heathrow was in the Queens Building. I washed and cut potatoes, making chips by hand. Not allowed to wear trousers, had to wear stockings, skirt, and dress, top and gown. I peeled and cut potatoes and made chips, mashed potato – Friday and Tuesday fish and chips. Lots of people smoked, I did not like the smell. First arrive at 7 in the morning, leave in a van which will pick me up from home at 6 o’clock. 10-minute tea break, lunch break ½ hour, finish job at 5, go home in van, no convenient bus available to Heathrow, only 1 bus in the morning and 1 bus in the evening. 5 days of work gave me £2.50. A man doing the same job got £4.50 and I get £3. No equal wages. Same job, but men got paid more, ladies less. I could go shopping with 25p-50p and take home 2 bags of shopping in both hands. £1 weekly rent. After I start British Airways job, I got a £5 note. Same work – kitchen cleaning, cutting potatoes. My husband worked in a factory getting £5 but ladies doing the same job got £3.50. Same in India, but now things are more equal. Slowly everything grew. I first worked in Heathrow 1 and Queens’s building.


My husband came to collect me from Airport when I arrived. Heathrow had nothing at the Airport. Same as Delhi Airport, nothing there. We had to stop at various places including Frankfurt. (She thought she landed in the jungle). It was a very long journey. Not everyone had a car, some English and old people had 1 car. My brother's friend had a car, 6/7 people drive this car. A few people used a van to get to factory/airport doing any jobs. No bus service. 5p, 2p, 1p. Everything was a penny or ha’penny. One penny bus fare to hospital. Same in India – small money. I have lived in Langly since 1974. I grew all sorts of things, mustard seeds etc. More terminals have been developed since. Now planes are nice. The first time coming here, it took 3 days to get here from Delhi.


1st day I start my first day in the Queens building. 3rd day since arriving from India. Washing by hand. I had my children in India, a boy and a girl. I worked in the staff restaurant. All staff do the same jobs – one day cleaning, 1 day preparing food, only frozen peas and cabbage, no foreign food. Restaurant and washing up. I worked for BAA (British Airports Authority), now run by a different company.

At British Airways I washed up in the aircraft, put crockery in machine for cleaning, crockery, glasses, cutlery – now is disposable. My neighbour told me about a job starting the next day, I tried for job (told existing job I had guests coming so could not work). After I went to British Airways, fill in farm and check passport, after medical and test/interview, after 2 weeks they gave me a job washing up, started later in 1964. Cleaning the aircraft, then helping the cook in the kitchen. Then I got a job in a staff canteen. Making sandwiches, tea coffee etc. After 10 months doing the job, he cut a lot of jobs, and new people started. Then I worked at Ealing and Hillingdon Hospital. I had cleaning work and school dinner lady job. After I did this job, I got a job at Air Canada for 3 months - change blankets, pillows, cleaning, hoovering etc. Making food, packing, aircraft cleaning, pick up trolley service, lots of jobs. After the British Airways job, I worked in Hillingdon Hospital (she left British Airways 5 times). I also worked at Air India; the work was seasonal. I also worked at Hounslow medical factory 5 days a week, very happy, this was a 9am start and 4pm finish. My husband drove the van and did night jobs. When the job ended, I got a lumpsum of money. My daughter went to Oxford College.


1974 I started a permanent job with British Airways. I worked in the canteen, cooking, cleaning everything. Very happy, aircraft tickets were free, my daughter used these to travel to studies in Canada. After my children married, I finished my job, I took early retirement, I took a lump sum. My daughter went to Canada for studies. I worked at terminal 2. They offered me £10,000 or shares. This was in 1988. I did not work anywhere after this, I bought house and rented out, I then rented houses, buying and selling property here and in India. Terminal 5 is nice and clean. Sometimes in summer one of my friends invites me to go out to terminal 5 to have a cup of tea. I do not really like terminal 4, it’s very different. Terminal 5 is the best terminal.


I have travelled lots, I’ve been to lots of countries, Canada, America etc. British airways was a good job, I was very happy. I enjoy terminal 5. Heathrow airport is the best, terminal 5 is the best, nice, great service, nice and clean. I can see planes from the kitchen window on the other side. The bus goes to terminal 5, nearby. I love this house. I am happy here. Nice buildings, lots of money spent, money on roads etc.

Some people live 5 minutes up the road and hear noise. On my side there is no runway, on the other side there is a runway and a lot of noise. This house I live along my husband 10 year died. Every plane coming, I am happy and proud to live in London and near Heathrow.

When Heathrow flights were suspended in Covid it was quiet, it was lonely, everybody felt enclosed, everywhere very peaceful. Now people like going on holiday. During covid I would see 1 plane after 2/3 hours, so it was quiet. Now flights back to flying a lot. Heathrow lost money. No buses, buses suspended. The airlines lost money.

There was lots of community working at Heathrow, India, China, Gujarati. Now everyone wants to work in office jobs at Heathrow. There are lots of companies at Heathrow. A lot of friends have died, I am now 87, I am lucky. I missed my friends lost during the coronavirus. My children looked after me. Now I am a heart patient. I am feeling ok. I am not upset; I am happy thank God. my daughter used airline standby benefit to go to Canada and comeback every 6 months. I went to all countries with husband using the British Airways benefit.


I travelled on Concorde, day off, supervisor said it was travelling to Glasgow. I went in the morning and came back in the evening. I went to Paris, there were lots of empty seats. I drank soft drinks and had food. Not a single penny paid. My husband and I went on a Concorde flight for £5 each. Sitting in 1st class seats, drinking, feeling quite different to standard class. The Concorde was very noisy when it started going up and coming down. I travelled on Concorde 20 times. Supervisor would change my day off. Everyone looks after each other like brothers and sisters. Some ladies say they do not want to fly with men, but I do not mind. Sometimes standby seat there were problems from Delhi. Sometimes I get club seats, first class. One time me and my husband had a private bathroom going to Canada. The first time I went to Italy on holiday I lost the passports, a lady took my bag. All our cash, passports etc. All stolen. Someone sprayed me and took my handbag. I had to go to the police station. (she was taking care of all the passports, and they all got stolen. Dad was worried as he thought they might think they were refugees. When they got to the police station there was a queue because they were not the only victims). British Airways helped and sent the tickets again, we did not have to pay for replacement tickets. My husband was working in civil service, my daughter had to go on to university.


My most significant memory at Heathrow is the first time I landed at Heathrow – it was in the middle of nowhere (she felt as though she was in the jungle), one building, one house in the village. No car, no deliveries. Little plane – quite different now. Now it is different, very posh England, Heathrow airport very posh.

I started my first job in the UK 3 days after arriving in England. I had never worn a skirt and stockings before (it was a big deal to wear stockings). I was not allowed to wear pajamas, I had a top and skirt, stockings, white cap and white overalls. The first days were difficult, washing by hand 2/3 days, I mixed all right with English ladies and boys, people of all nationalities. One Indian man spoke to me and said you will be used to it after one week. Some ladies were very shy, people were talking English, my English bad, but they said do not worry. I was told to slowly wash, not fast. No one was bad or unkind. People spoke nicely, some people from my own country were jealous, other people nice and friendly. I would make tea, everyone liked me, everyone is different. Everybody helped me.

In India I was a housewife, I taught women embroidery, sewing and knitting. At first, I found everything difficult here, I missed the ladies. I had a helper who cooked, cleaned, and looked after the children, here nobody helped. Sometimes I cried, 2-3 years it was very hard, I wanted to go back.

The first time I lived here with my brothers and sisters, after 3 months we bought a house. It felt difficult, sometimes we all cried. My husband worked night work. Sometimes I felt like a servant here. After 5-10 years I was happy. My husband was understanding, my husband cooked and looked after me, he had a hard job. Family is happiness.

English people are a lot better than Canadian and Americans who fight too much. This is my favourite country; it is my country now. My daughter married an English man. She has a nice mother and father-in-law, she is happy. I like everything, it is very peaceful.

Interview finished 01.05.40

Oral History interview 1 recording

Interview Date: Tuesday, 15 February 2022.
Interviewee: Mehwish Kayani

Mehwish is biracial – half-Swedish/half-Pakistani, born in Sweden because of her dad’s work she spent 4-5 months in Pakistan and the rest of the time in Sweden. She moved to the UK (United Kingdom) in 2019. Currently studying a conversion course in psychology part-time at UWL, first degree is LLB (2008), she is a qualified solicitor.

Mehwish chose UWL as very few universities offer conversion courses in psychology, positive views of student experience by other students –UWL was highest, and distance, UWL is within comfortable commuting distance.

First time at Heathrow 6 months, first memory 5/6 years old, stayed at dad’s best friends in London for a few days before travelling onto Islamabad, Pakistan. Rembers it being a lot bigger than the largest airport in Sweden. Remembers her dad buying her and her siblings a candy box -shaped like a suitcase. Main impression was that Heathrow was noticeably big, overwhelming, full of lots of people, noisy, and the language difference as she could not speak English yet - Urdu and Swedish.

Mehwish used to travel a lot before Covid to Pakistan twice yearly to stay with dad’s family, due to her dad’s work and her Mum worked for an airline so they got cheap tickets, also summer holidays- beach. She used to travel with her dad until she was seven which is when school starts in Sweden. Travelled with family and her sister. When older, travelled a lot as had that habit –Sweden (after moving to the UK – frequently), Pakistan, beach, and ski holidays. Also attended school in Pakistan with her cousins once she was 5/6 years old as she was old enough to go to school there. Spent 3-4 months in Pakistan at a time before old enough to attend school in Sweden then spent the summer holidays there.

She remembers there were no direct flights to Pakistan so always travelled via Heathrow with a stopover of a few days staying with family friends, when with family only on way to Islamabad but when travelling on her own with Dad both ways. Stockholm –London 2 hours, London – Islamabad 6 hours. Recalls they would go out to eat/shop but did not go sightseeing till she was about 14/15. She remembers going to the Natural History Museum and Harrods.

Mehwish loved the trips and flying, found it exciting, always got the box of chocolates, now she has a daughter she feels more anxious about flying. She loved the experience of flying but has only flown with her family, mostly with her dad as a child, then once over eighteen with her sister. Manwish mentions her dad’s concerns about safety for herself and her sisters, so she did not fly without them till she was older. They usually flew Pakistani International Airlines (PIA) had good activities for children, she would be given a kid’s pack which they no longer offer. She was also free to move around the plane and the staff showed her where to get the free cans of coke so she could get one herself, which is exciting to a child.

Mehwish recalls also flying with BA (British Airways), travelling from the different terminals - once from terminal 5 (T5) before Covid and using terminal 3 (T3) but does not remember which terminals she used as a child. She also remembers BA changing terminals, 2014. Usually travels by tube to Heathrow, gets a cab from home to Acton Town.

Mehwish finds Covid has made travel much more stressful, has only travelled once (2020) before PCR tests/vaccinations/mask wearing, etc., were introduced but used to travel two/three times a year. Finds the thought of PCR tests/mask wearing overwhelming and that it would ruin her trip. Also voiced concerns about false positives and testing negative on arrival which would ruin her trip. It is too overwhelming, and she has decided that she will not travel again until all this is over because she wants it to be exciting and enjoyable and does not want to be stuck. She knows someone who got stuck in Morocco for 6 months. Covid has put her off flying 100%. She is waiting for Covid to end so that she can travel to Pakistan with her dad and daughter but repeated she will not do so until more countries drop restrictions and Covid is over.

Mehwish has travelled to Sweden, Spain, Turkey, and Pakistan with her daughter who is now five. She recalls travelling with her daughter when she was a year and a half, the only time her daughter has been anxious flying. Her daughter would like to go on holiday but has booked to go to Devon due to uncertainty surrounding Covid. Heathrow does not provide buggies for small children, which made travelling more challenging. She once missed a flight due to security issues as she had breast milk in a bottle for her daughter. The flight was rebooked free of charge. She mentions that Islamabad and other airports allow buggies to be taken to the flight and then they are taken and put in the hold so she does not understand why Heathrow does not allow this and mentions that this would improve the travel experience for people travelling with young children.

Mehwish used to work at Sweden’s biggest airport as a teenager, so she is comfortable with being in an airport so knows how everything works. She used to work with check-in and gates, checking-in and managing boarding at the gates for (Nordic Aero). She mentions that she could walk from one end of the airport to the other in twenty minutes, however if she were working at Heathrow that would take much longer because it is so much bigger. She also does not think she would have much variety in the role as it would not be productive and thinks that she would stay in one place due to the size of Heathrow as it takes so long to get from one side to the other.

Mehwish thinks Heathrow is well-organised, mentions Oslo and Copenhagen are well-organised but that Charles de Gaulle is not so well-organised. She did not like travelling through Switzerland. She mentions that she likes travelling through Heathrow as she is also used to it. She comments that Heathrow would score seven out of ten because boarding information is put up late, not leaving much time to get to the gate. She also mentions that the monitors are not updated with flight delays, so she feels that these should be improved to make the travel experience better.

The most memorable memory is the little suitcase of chocolate and candy which could be re-used after all the sweets had been eaten. Mehwish remembers it was about the size of a book, her dad always brought one back for her whenever he was travelling even when she was not with him.

She mentions that travelling for her relatives in Pakistan is difficult because it is difficult to get a visa to travel to Europe. One of her aunts came a couple of times but it was a negative experience, as she was travelling with children. She had a lot of forms to fill in, and questions asked at immigration.

Mehwish’s main memory is the suitcase of candy and being a well-travelled child.

Anne-Marie thanked her for her participation and ended the interview at 16:18.

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